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Banking Charges
Anonymous Post
Posted: 28 October 2010 18:48:20(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

I am in the process of moving my bank accounts with Santander ex Abbey, Alliance & Leicester, to another bank.
In the past I banked with the Coop, who had a system of transferring from my Savings Account to my current Account, when necessary, to avoid overdraft charges.
They have discontinued above, years ago, and now play cat and mouse with their clients, who for one reason or another become overdrawn. On one occasion in the past I had to pay some £70 because I accidentally overdrew.
Can anybody advise, whether any bank does such transfers automatically, preferably one with local branches or with telephone banking.
I do not want all my banking to be done on the internet.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 28 October 2010 19:02:03(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

PS I became accidentally overdrawn on my Current Account and not my Savings Account.
Jon Gallagher
Posted: 29 October 2010 13:23:18(UTC)

Joined: 01/08/2010(UTC)
Posts: 91

If you know you are going to be overdrawn and you have internet banking facility, why not just do the transfer of funds yourself?

Alternatively transfer £100 from savings to current and keep it topped up at this amount on a month to month basis checking it at this interval - simple.

Yu can always ask for an ovrdraft facility without a fee - I have one for £100 and can overdraw by this amount each month with no charge as long as I dont go over the £100 facility.
Victoria Bischoff (Citywire)
Posted: 29 October 2010 16:14:48(UTC)

Joined: 08/03/2010(UTC)
Posts: 96

Hi there,I have been trying to find out for you which banks, if any, still offer this service.

According to Michelle Slade from Moneyfacts, Barclays, Nationwide BS, NatWest, RBS, The Co-operative Bank and Smile no long offer this facility. Still waiting to hear back from the other banks but expect to get the same response from them too.

However, many banks offer a text alert facility to advise people when they are nearing their limit, while customers signed up for online or telephone banking can also easily find out balance and transaction details of their account. The onus is now very much on the customer to ensure they have enough money in their account to cover their payments, otherwise a charge is likely to be applied.

Will keep you updated as I hear more.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 29 October 2010 23:31:46(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

Jon Gallagher
Thank for your response. But the issue here was that with variable direct debits, eg phone, kids on mobiles etc, one would need to constantly monitor the situation, or else have a significant amount in the bank to act as a buffer. The system as I described it did away with all that, it was simple, and allowed one to check the account balance on receipt of the monthly statement, without constant diligence.
Thank you for your efforts. As an alternative are there any Building Societies with Current Accounts that do what I am looking for?
Please also advise which banks do text alerts, at least then one gets a warning and has time to do something about it..

PS What I have also noted is that banks often keep reducing the overdraft facilities year on year, for no apparent reason other than to catch you out. Some more devious banking? Anyone else experienced ever reducing overdraft facilities for no known reason?
sam walker
Posted: 01 November 2010 11:33:33(UTC)

Joined: 21/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 13


As long as you correct an exceeded OD very quickly they haven't ever charged.

Well worth doing - Santander are C*nts.
Posted: 01 November 2010 14:15:36(UTC)

Joined: 01/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 5

HSBC recently did this for me on my HSBC Advance account. I am not sure if it was a one off or they do this as standard. It might be worth checking out.
Posted: 01 November 2010 14:16:39(UTC)

Joined: 01/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 5

LLoyds offer the text facility so you can move money the same day & not get charged.
sam walker
Posted: 01 November 2010 15:28:16(UTC)

Joined: 21/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 13

LLoyds TSB also send you a text mini-statement every Friday.

Not a bad account too, no problems in the 4years I've had an account.

I still prefer Smile tho for my main current a/c tho, not sure why,
john wiggins
Posted: 01 November 2010 17:28:15(UTC)

Joined: 01/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1

lloyds tsb private banking provide me with this facility
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