I often warn against coming on here looking for advice from anonymous 'armchair experts' on matters which involve significant sums and really require professional advice, but as no-one has responded to you, I'll commit the crime myself! Here are a couple of articles (though dated) which may cover your situation -
I feel sure enough of my ground to say that gifts between spouses do not incur CGT (the beneficiary simply inheriting the donor's cost). It SEEMS from these articles that no SDLT would be payable IF the property gifted is mortgage-free, but that SDLT would be levied if it was mortgaged. If that is so, the answer would seem to be for your husband to pay off the mortgage before making the gift to you.
Hope this points you in the right direction for further investigation, but please do not take my word for it and go to a solicitor for advice if you intend to proceed as you propose.