More on the problem as seen from the USA
NB STEM = Science, technology, engineering and management. Old topics get their own acronyms.
Triangle Coalition The mission of the Triangle Coalition is to "bring together the voices of
government, business, and education to improve the quality and outcome of
[STEM] education." Visitors should check out the "Legislative News" section
of their website to get a taste of the changes and improvements the Triangle
Coalition is working on. One notable item here is the audio and video from a
February 2011 webinar that the Coalition held on the "Implications for STEM
Education in the 2012 Budget Request". On the right side of this page
visitors should check out "Key Topics", where they will find such topics as
"Educate to Innovate", "National Lab Day", and "Arne Duncan". The "TECB"
link on the left side of any page leads to the Triangle Coalition Electronic
Bulletin which comes out weekly, and is available to Coalition members. The
current and archived issues, which date back to January 2010, are available
on the website for any visitors to view. The " Resources" link is also worth
a visit, as it includes links to resources on grants, collaboration, and