Engineertony re your post
A quick search of the firms that you mentioned
Endress and Hauser - UK manufacturing in Manchester Schunk - have a UK sales and distribution operation Lust - oddly enough that search brought up some less useful websites.... although I've bookmarked them for a better look later.
We are not down and out as a market for precision manufacturing, in fact we still do quite well. We are the 7th biggest exporter in the world after all.
Prof Eman re your latest post
Agreed that bad services do not help but neither do bad products, have a look at this site for the sheer number of products recalled in the UK, some of which are even made here -
http://www.tradingstanda.../advice-recall-list.cfm What is good is economic activity, however it is generated. A solicitor earning £200 per hour to draw up a contract will spend a proportion of that money on renting an office, salary for an assistant, food for his family, etc. The landlord, assistant, farmer etc will then spend their income and the money will be recycled into the economy and create jobs and income across a range of industries. The same could be said for politicians salaries (and expenses), the income earned by nurses, teachers, train drivers and dare I say it even bankers bonuses. The source of the activity is far less relevant that its overall level. More activity means that tax receipts rise for Government, who can then invest in infrastucture etc (or blow it all on a bloated public sector and starting wars) and then we are all better off. Its called economic growth.
Jermey Bosk
I salute your valient efforts on this thread and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Unfortunately I fear that your posts may be in vain as I think that perhaps all the time spent by the Prof, Tony and others in noisy engineering environments has affected their ability to see or accept reason......