I don't mind people disagreeing with me, although I prefer reasons. I don't get too upset about bizarre beliefs when sincerely held. There is no accounting for taste. What gets to me the most is persistent changing of stated beliefs to conveniently fit the current argument. General woolliness comes second. I don't think the Prof is fully aware of doing it. I give him credit for sincerity. Which is why I try not to be upset. Sometimes I fail.
Some examples: I have two Christian fundamentalist friends who believe in creationism, that God made the world in six days. One holds a PhD and still does useful research, the other is retired after being a good administrator for many years. Both are personally kind. Since they are such strong believers, I often introduce Biblical quotations into our conversations. As is usual with true believers, they are unfamiliar with their own text book. It is so much easier to swallow the pre-digested pap spouted by their sick and twisted preachers. They know I am atheist, I have asked them were they dropped on their heads as babies? We get along.
Another friend is a hard working, honest, kind and generally sensible British born Muslim. She is horrified by the violence committed in the name of Islam and while admitting that her ancestral homeland is a dangerous place, says, "It is so beautiful and none of my family would do anything like that". While I accept her sincerity, I have asked her to feel her skull for bumps and dents. She reports no such evidence in support of my theory. We get along.
Many years ago I had a Christian friend, honest, hard working, had a good job and was a Sunday School teacher. He put up reasonable arguments for the No camp in the EU membership referendum. We spoke in public debates on opposite sides of the issue. He was a little bit extreme on the Northern Ireland question. After a young relative of mine who served in the British Army was murdered by the IRA, I was not really in the mood to question this. One day when I was having a rant along the lines of "shoot the bloody lot", he offered to take me to Belfast and introduce me to someone who would give me a gun. I was so astounded that I did not take his offer seriously. I believed he was trying to shock some sense into me. A few months later he was arrested and subsequently given ten years for terrorist arms and explosives offences. He actually did bump his head playing football and underwent brain surgery. Which was not enough for him to plead insanity. We no longer get along.
I agree with your last paragraph.
Since the three of us are by far the most prolific contributors, we can allow ourselves to go off topic if we want. Or we could start a new thread. Services or manufacturing was never an either / or alternative and we have done the arguments to death.