Strong and charismatic leaders able to sway large numbers of ignorant half-wits rarely do so with truth and reason. They may begin with good intentions and see stirring up nationalist or religious mania as simply a tool to gain power and then behave decently. But "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely", Lord Acton.,_1st_Baron_Acton Interestingly, Acton, a well known Catholic, wrote this in opposition to the doctrine of Papal Infallibility. In 1870 the Papacy decreed that when speaking ex cathedra (from the Chair of St Peter, Jesus' principal follower), he was infallible when he decrees what Catholics should believe and how they should behave. Anyone who did not accept this was declared anathema - it was pronounced that they would burn in hell for ever and so would anyone who communicated with them. Since anyone included friends, family, employers, shopkeepers who sold food... this was a very harsh punishment.
The Catholic Church is on a moral level with the Ayatollahs whose fatwa ordered the murder of Salman Rushdie. The current Pope is trying to establish Pius II, his predecessor during World War II, as a saint. Pius II ordered German Catholics to collaborate with Hitler. Number of German Christian clerics murdered by Hitler around 400. Number of those who were Catholic: zero. Share of the German population which was Catholic during the Third Reich: around one third.
For the benefit of the wilfully ignorant and stupid my opposition to one or another gang of religious and or nationalist "charismatic leaders" does not imply support for any other gang.
Freedom of speech and communication combined with education in the wider sense: to include moral philosophy, logic, numeracy, history, literacy and science just for a beginning - are our defence against fascism, communism, religion and every other organised crime syndicate on Earth.