Besides adding to costs, ring fencing would not stop the rest of the banking system from going wrong again and on such a large scale that governments would have to intervene to protect the whole economy.
They might even have to raid the piggy banks of the ring fenced retail banking sector to do so. No amount of legal ring fencing can protect anyone from government changing what passes for its mind.
I agree that increasing base rates in recessionary economies such as ours would be insane. King is right to say that inflation is due to temporary factors which will drop out of the equation. Our real problem is actually deflation. Governments and consumers need to do some spending, preferably the long term investment sort, but even consumption spending does eventually produce more investment.
A survey by ComRes of London businesses found strong support for infrastructure spending, business tax cuts and easier recruitment of overseas graduates. The CBI and BCC have issued similar calls. The Tories in business have finally realised what a disastrous mistake they made in 2010. They will not get Cameron and Osborne to change without themselves spending serious money on brainwashing the rabble. When the House of Commons lobby fodder start to worry about keeping their seats. Expect a takeover bid for the Mail any time now.