OMG so many topics, so little time.
Lets start with this one: I think all this Tory vs labour stuff is really a cloak for 'class war'. Im not sure anyone has ever defined Class, but we all know what it is...... the have's vs the have nots. ie the politics of envy vs the depisation (is that a word?) of 'failure'.
In the 70's I used to work in the music recording industry. Made a few quid so bought a 4 bed house in central London for the outrageous sum of £7200 (my dad almost fainted at the expense), with a fixed rate Greater London Council mortgage (those were the days!). I met a rather beautiful leggy gal who loved me (or was it the house?). Like all ladies, the next thing she wanted was kiddies (oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to conceive). The third thing on her agenda was a divorce. So she got the house, the kids, an inome for next 18yrs plus her freedom. I was a little miffed. But I regrouped over the next 10 years and bought another house for £42k (this is now up for sale at £1.5mil). This attracted an even lovelier lady (whats that old saying about making a mistake is unfortunate....making the same mistake twice looks a little careless). So two more kiddies arrived and so did the divorce papers. I gnashed my teeth for a decade or so but eventually discovered that Robert Court #552 is absolutely right (BTW I loved your whole post.....thanks....made my day):
Remember that forgiveness is a kind of revenge in itself - a bully finds it hard to accept that the bully is no longer capable of hurting you and your radiant smile of contentment is like a knife through the bully's heart.
So for 10 years I have lived in the middle of a central London river-side estate where houses routinely sell for >£1mil......on a boat. Every weekend the kids descend in high spirits (coz schools out). My millionaire neighbours supply me with loads of dosh to sort out their trivia (they are so clever that they cant even change a lightbulb without paying for help). I went to Egypt last month with the boys and sat round the pool trading stocks while sipping G&T's and paid for the whole hols on the profit.(platinum ETF:PPLT). Once back home I cast my rod out of the window (again) and went to sleep. I was rudely awakened at 3am by a record carp. 35ibs. Meanwhile my ex is having psyc help to handle the homework/teenage fights, the lack of money (she earns £80k pa but pays for child care, keeping up with the Jones', and plumbers (oh yes...I charge!!) and working all Gods hours to maintain her position up the greasy pole. I looked at her one day and thought, 'you poor sod'. So I decided to let bygones be, and began to give her the radiant smile of contentment. She's now furious that Im having such a nice life while she is sooooooo struggling. Revenge is a dish best served up cold!!
So whats my point? Well, having loads of dosh doesnt make you happy if you are selling your soul to get it (it just gives you temporary security).. If you can find ways to enjoy life, you can live very happily on a small pension. Enjoy the company of your family and friends (all it takes is to make yourself enjoyable to be with). Enjoy fishing or walking or playing cards or emailing blogs like this, or reading or listening to sublime music, plays, discussions, poiticians making prats of themselves etc etc. ITS ALL ABSOLUTELY FREE. I thoroughly recommend you flog your pile of depressing bricks and buy a boat or camper van.....rotten financial investment, but there are few better investments in lifes pleasure. I have a family of pet swans who peck on my porthole every morning to be fed. Who wants to be the richest person in the graveyard? So am I upper class or lower class. Id say Im in a class of my own and, as Im the only judge I listen to, I consider myself to be of the luckiest class.
Turning briefly to Jeremy #549. My dear chap: I never for one moment thought youd take my demand for sight of your rent book seriously........sincere apologies. Your private business is your PRIVATE business. Still, the info you provide speaks volumes about the root of your discontent. That housing estate sounds hideous...... take the above advice. As for my pension, Im happy to say its well and truly sorted. For as long as I can change a tap washer, I'll be able to assist my wealthy 30 something neighbours and earn a monkey here and there (dont tell the taxman). I bought the boat outright with what little was left post divorce, so no rent bills or council tax. I burn scrap wood for heating/cooking. I brew my own beer and grow my own tobbacco suppliment. The internet, radio and TV are almost free. And Ive spent a lifetime heavily investing in the ciggy and vino companies products, so am unlikely to be a long term burdon on society's purse. When it all gets too much I fully intend to have one too many and 'accidentally' fall overboard so the kids get the insurance ( taken in their name to avoid death duty) I have absolutely no intention of putting off the inevitable, spending my dotage suffering pain, loneliness and the humiliation of kaking my pants.
Prof Plumber
Turning briefly to Prof