Joined: 02/03/2014(UTC) Posts: 1,172
wonderdelight;32998 wrote:Hi J Swales,
When I was referring to 6% yield and 100K I was referring to the discussions on whether BTL was still worth the investment. Some say NO, some say yes. I was really implying, depending on whether you are leveraged, if so by how much will dictate whether its worth entering the BTL mortgage. When you say why on earth? You are implying others cannot deviate from the initial discussion. I tend to disagree. So I repeat, my point was, if you are not leveraged, then income will still remain, as you are not subject to interest rates. Capital values are only relevant if you aim like many, is to buy a property for capital value increases, whilst just covering the basic mortgage or interest only. I for one would not be in it for that. Income is income.
With regards to arrangements, I do have an accountant and I am seeking advice from other quarters before I do anything. It’s not complicated. I have a limited company with cash inside it. Let’s say 150K. Rather than take dividends out over say 3 years, 30K a year to minimise tax at standard rate, I am saying, I could set up a holding company, move the money into that and use the money to then buy the property. Build up the portfolio like that.
This is a forum not an accusation board on whether one is worthy of posting something you agree with or not. So just keep it calm and simple, unless I have somehow upset you.
Like anything, its about the strategy. Right now the leveraged game I think is game over. Take away the costs you can offset, which will be reduced, it will become harder. Failing that there are alternative investments, paying into a SIPP, getting 5-7% yield and paying tax on 20% of 75% of the capital at 55. Not bad either.
hi wonderlight, I wasn't directing my post at you (if I were, I would have quoted your post first)but merely replying to the OP.