As a starting point Jupiter Merlin Growth is a consistent outperformer in global equities. It is a star pick in Citywire Selection - the guide to our best investment ideas. It is a fund of fund and by monitoring it closely - and Citywire of course - you will also be able to get a feel for the underlying funds, which will stand you in good stead as you learn more on the subject matter.
You already have expsoure to emerging markets and Asia Pacifc could also sit nicely. Fidelity South East Asia is one of our more aggressive picks in Citywire Selection. Note that there is already exposure to the region in the Jupiter Merlin Growth fund.
You can do more research on Citywire Selection here: Saving monthly will also give you a smoother ride amid the market volatility and you also benefit from pound cost averaging. Arranging this through a fund supermarket is simple and the best way to avoid initial charges.
Jonathan Miller
Head of Research
P.S. This is of course not an investment recommendation and investments can go up as well as down - all the usual rules apply!