Although I think Alan Selwood's idea of shooting cold calling scammers may be (a little) over the top, I cannot help reflecting that our enrolment to the MPS works perfectly, unlike to the TPS. We do not get junk mail. We are neverendingly plagued by unsolicited calls. Obviously this is because mail scammers have to include addresses, and telephone scammers hide. I think that some actually confine their calls to those TPS registered since these are more likely to be scam-vulnerable. I would also make it a criminal offence to sell personal data.
I have lodged complaints with the TPS and the ICO to no avail in spite of the fact that I can prove that cold callers have caused significant distress when my wife was recovering from multiple surgery, in pain, and with insomnia.
I would suggest that for every cold call received by a TPS listed objector, the ICO should lose £100 of his own salary unless he can trace and prosecute the company directors ultimately responsible for making the call. Once traced the directors should be prosecuted, fined (and victima paid £100 per cold call received), with their personal assets seized under the proceed of crime act. Serial offenders should be imprisoned for life, with no access to telephones. Sanctions should also be applied to the service providers until they manage to identify the criminals making the cold calls.
This plague could be cured quickly if the incentives were there. The technology certainly is.