Prof Eman;47252 wrote:Some aspects of conservative policy make me tremble see to-day's Citywire -Sunday Papers: Pounds fall "the worst devaluation in history" from a source most of you are unlikely to label left wing.
Prof Eman
Don't worry about devaluation, its the marxists you need to worry about.
Thousands of them all backing Corbyn.
Just remember in the 70's Labour promised us prosperity under a social chapter with unions ... instead they left us with industry in total tatters and the country bankrupt. 'Never again' cried the voters as they turned their back on Labour and voted for a new beginning under Thatcher.
Moving on 17years 'New Labour' promised reform and asked us to vote for our childrens future under the banner of 'education, education,education'.
Once elected they used the national lottery to pay for school books and immediately set about raiding pension savings and the country's reserves to fund their social spending. Alas, after many disasters it came to pass that Labour's hidden agenda had once again led the country to ruin, ruin, and more ruin. . As for education, we slipped further down the table.
Now we are now asked to believe that Corbyn, Abbott, McDonnell with the unions at their side have a better plan for Britains prosperity.
I think not!!
Should they succeed though they may have inadvertently solved the immigration problem as true Brits queue leave the country in yet another labour inspired brain drain. For me Theresa May is our only hope . I'm relying on her and just hope that many more do the same.