With many (perhaps all?) 'public sector' pension schemes changing basis of indexation from RPI to CPI, the arguments in favour of taking 25% as cash become much stronger, even - or perhaps especially - if you expect a long life in retirement, as any pension indexed by CPI will fall steadily behind earning and real cost of living. Even if you only get £12 cash for evey £1 of pension surrendered, you only need to earn about 7% + CPI from the cash lump sum, and that, if you invest in a spread of the top-rated ITs or funds, is not a big ask, especially since the fate of shares is likely to be more closely tied to earnings / RPI than is your pension.
And if you take the tax free cash, you have flexibility about when and how you use it.
So, fced, with a similar predicament, that's what I have decided to do.