AJW;68831 wrote:No doubt some businesses will benefit, but you have not resolved the catastrophic issues that it will cause for some key UK industries.
In the short term yes, there will be disruption for some industries. We should not be afraid of this.
How many of these key UK industries will fade with the onset of robotics anyway?. Technology is changing many things, and people need to get trained up and acquire new skill sets.
It's all a matter of confidence. We have many of the best entrepreneurs in this country, many of the best start up companies in the technology sector, the best financial services sector, the best designers etc.
We should not beat ourselves up over this and allow the purveyors of doom to dominate.
We do not need to be permanently attached to the apron strings of Brussels to survive. Business will win through in the end, despite the obstruction of unelected Euro politicians mainly concerned with the preservation of their own particular EU gravy train. In the end, they are not needed, that's what troubles them.