I enjoyed reading Alisdair Osborne in The Times today "Pension advice made a bit too simple" (5th October).
A new career beckons.
Why not become a Pensions' Adviser in the go-go field of defined-benefit transfer advice?
No need to hurry. This demanding qualification, which has no entry qualifications and can be achieved in a month, wouldn't become mandatory until 2020.
Of course the best advice in perhaps 95% of cases is not to change, but obviously a new workforce of "advisors" is required to cater for the 5%.
"Advisors" can at present only charge if the client decides to change say, from a gold-standard, copper-bottomed, platinum-topped defined-benefit scheme into say, a dodgy property fund.
But the FCA, bless them, can't find a clear cut causal link between such charges and unsuitable advice.
You couldn't make it up.