My point is:
Our politicians (and judges) should look after the interest of the British Citizen, beyond that there should be nothing.
Any Euro treaties should now be reneged upon.
Support for World needs should be an individual thing (Chidren in Need etc). It is not the responsibility of the politicina to feed the World, and of the judge to bring justice to the World.
I was pleased ot see today that we are slashing legal aid, whihc is just a lawyers bonanza. Our legal aid per capita is the highest in the world, ten times Australia, Spain etc. (£38 against £3).
What happens to the disfranchised is not our concern once they leave Dover. Why the USA wants to keep Fed criinals is beyond me (but read The American Prison Business and other Jessican Mitford to see that they actual profit from the criminals).
My plan is i believe reasonable:
No legal aid (or £100 for British ciitzens only)
No court appeals from UK, must be made abroad.
Removal of British citizenship from any three time loser criminal, or serious criminal. It is a right to be cherished.
All benefits, pensions cancelled. They cost us millions, contribute nothing, so why support them?
Instant removal from UK after sentence of all foreign criminals after time served direct form prison on day of release.
Any person in UK illegally to be removed immediately. The FBI round em up in the states and boot em out - its all on your green card when you agree terms of entry.
Backdated 20 years, so any given entry by a stupid judge can be over-ruled.
60 million of us behave, try to pay our way. About 100000 or less dont want to be part of our system. They must go
If we keep pressurising the namby pamby MPs they will eventually get the message.
All fairly straightforward and reasonable in my view.