My starting point is that there’s something very different about London ‘values’ compared to Northern values. It wasn’t always so but I think that divide is becoming more extreme.
Take the dictionary definition of morality as ‘principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour’.
Given the extraordinary catalog of fraud and corruption revealed about almost every aspect of London life, from Westminster to the public sector to the private sector, I’d say there’s a widespread belief in London that being deceitful and ‘keeping your mouth shut’ are not wrong at all but clever – they’re what you do. London is essentially the white-collar crime capital of the world – and it’s not just a few bad apples at the top.
I don’t think this is mindless conformity; Londoners voted for Boris, mindful of not risking the gravy train. Do they really believe the rightwing dogma of efficient markets when what they’re actually doing is cheating people on an industrial scale? Who knows; but they recognize it as a good excuse.
London is essentially a ‘bad’ place. That’s why I don’t think there’s any chance of the status quo being changed through voting Labour, say. It will take a social revolution.
The British version of good or bad has developed from the Christian tradition. But it’s only what we believe; it’s not an absolute truth. There was a good article in Business Insider that shows how we fit on the world scale:
This Chart Explains Every Culture in the World.The other major aspect of British culture is the welfare state – the very thing the rightwing crooks are trying to destroy. The welfare state was established after WWII when Brits voted against having Churchill as PM. They did so partly to prevent a return to the pre-war situation of a privileged elite – the very thing today’s rightwing crooks want and the reason they claim Churchill as their own.
Scotland is showing that the welfare state can be made to work efficiently – another reason it’s such a threat to rightwing ideology. I’m sure there’ll be a lot more dirty tricks from Lynton Crosby before the vote.