Tug Boat;140716 wrote:There are so many reasons this can’t happen
How do you value a DC pension or a teacher’s pension?
My SIPP is held in trust by HL. Are we going to change trust law?
What happens if your house is your only asset and it’s worth 2million and you live on a state pension?
If my shares decrease in value by 1% can I offset this against this new tax?
The list is endless.
I agree there are difficulties but they are not insurmountable.
"How do you value a DC pension or a teacher's pension?"
This is relatively simple. You establish how much capital it would cost to obtain the income received by the recipient if they had an annuity, taking account of their gender, health and age.
"What happens if your house is your only asset and it's worth £2 million and you live on the state pension?"
The tax charge is held against your estate.
"If my shares decrease in value by 1% can I offset this against this new tax?"
Only if the fall takes you below the threshold on the operative date.
By the way, I've been in favour of a wealth tax for years. The Lib/Dems supported it or many even still support it.
The problem of course is that temporary measures have a habit of becoming permanent. Wasn't income tax supposed to be temporary to pay for the wars with France?