Tim D;140513 wrote:Self-proclaimed UK Wealth Tax Commission unveiling their final report tomorrow (Wednesday 9th December).
Online event (Zoom, I think) at 16:00-17:30 can be registered for (until sometime Weds. morning) at
(and click "How can I attend?")
Watched it live. Think it's available at
https://fb.watch/2h9eTI0P4b/ . 90 mins.
More interesting than expected (I have yet to properly chew over the report itself). Starts slow but gets better; the 3rd section from Emma Chamberlain particularly good. They make a good case for, if such a thing was bought in, this is how it should be done. Particularly the "one off" and "no exemptions" aspect.... primary residence, pensions (even ones already paying out)... nothing out of scope.
However a recurring theme was "...but it'd be better to just reform the existing taxation regime...".
Bits which particularly stuck with me:
- The alternatives (to raise the same amount of money) to that headline "5% of everything over £500K" are (from memory) 9p on basic rate or 6p on all income tax bands or 6p on VAT.
- In the Q&A they show a map of the regional hit (from the baseline proposal): over 20% raised from the South East, 3% from the North East, 8% from Scotland, 5% from Wales.
However, I was also rather left with the impression "this'll never happen" and "the politicians would fudge this... and completely mess it up" (IMHO I suspect they'd be forced into carve-outs for the sacred cows of primary residences and pensions, despite this report making a strong case for "horizontal equity" across all assets).
But really, I just can't see the current govt going down this route.