DIY Investing;278182 wrote:Agree on the unfair treatment of the middle classes over here, but I think the same erosion of the middle classes is happening throughout the West. Maybe our elites squeeze them with a little more relish over here than other places due to the class system. Middle class Brits won and built the empire, but the ruling elites have always despised them, seeing them as upstarts. That has never really gone away. So there is a sort of unholy alliance between the ruling classes and the envious undeserving poor who also hate us!
Well put. If you are in the so called middle class bracket you need to either move up into elite or down to the lay to be accepted and left alone. Pitt the younger (and the elder) comes to mind as well as William the bastard.
What needs to be acknowledged in the UK more widely is that the class system is alive, well and fully functioning and the surrounding noise in terms of social mobility, inclusion etc is just that, noise.
Unfortunately, the tools of taxation, government, media, education are controlled by the elites and the lay are effectively utilised by throwing a few morself and grain to disrupt any potential upward movement or usurping.
As the old adage (form an Indian origin in the Raj days) goes, a man with big ambitions cannot be kicked down officially (as there would be uproar) so you do it tactfully. Having attained a position of education, stability and a view to move up the ranks, the man buys biryanis to feed his family. But such notions and thinking is dangerous, so we impose taxes on him, such that he cannot treat them to biryanis, we take away his chicken / meat. The man still with aspirations takes measures and feels he can feed his family comfortably with vegetable biryanis with lentils (superfood), so then the lentils are taken away. The man then feels he needs to work harder foregoes the aspirations of upward mobility (giving up any training and advanced education) taking on extra jobs to get the nutritional elements for his family who now have rice and vegetables only. Next goes the vegetables and the man thinks that it is just bad times and feels he can manage on rice alone and he feels he can rise again. Finally his rice is taken away and the man is forced to look downwards and peck at the floor like the chicken he used to eat and his head gets into the habit of looking downwards and not upwards.
Eventually the elites come along and offer the man simple uncooked rice and the man with no means of cooking it as he does not have any assets having sold them all to sustain his family, trees, branches, etc to burn for fire; is forced to believe that the saviour elite is god-like and so long as he obeys and fulfills their command he and his family will at least live and that becomes his teachings to his kin is to remain in that state and forego and aspirational tendencies.