Bombardier took over a British Train Building Company and it resides in DERBY, It does not matter where the share holders are, it is a straight investment in Britain. The market has optimistically believed that the ECB will underwrite the debt ,or a form of German Guarantee will be forthcoming. This does not seem to be on the Radar yet, hence Standard and Poors are considering a downgrade for the whole Euro ZoneThe Euro will not work unless Germany takes over the complete control of the Euro zone Countries. Some are blatantly corrupt and will agree to anything in the short run to tide them over with Germany's money. Ireland will find it impossible to live with 23% VAT when just over the border it is currently 20%. Historically German hegomony in Europe cannot be tolerated , and furthermore a central diktat from Brussells is the total negation of what I understand as Democracy. You are witnessing the end of the European project with its Hubris of a new created currency to rival the Dollar. The Politicans lie to their populations, and even Cameron is whistling in the Dark and hoping it will all go away, but it will not. It is fundementally flawed and cannot be fixed, and orderly break up will have to be engineered, without Germany I fear, as they are only interested in Germany inspite of all the lying rhetoric.