Hi Robert,
A very thought - provoking article which I think merits serious consideration. However, I do disagree with your assertion of a "Top down" economy, where the rich stimulate more economic activity.
In my opinion, it is those at the bottom of society who have the real clout. If you give a rich man 10k, he will most likely top up his savings/investments for him and his family, and the remainder will go towards a foreign holiday.
If you give the same amount to poor people, they will either replace the car, or spend it on the house, upgrade the computer/t.v. etc, etc, etc.
Then, the people who have provided those services will go out and have a conservatory built, or extend the house, the wife will go out and get that dress she always wanted.
In this way, the money percolates UP through the economy to get to the people who provide the most services to the greatest number of people. If you can take £ 60 out of 200,000 households, you might be doing quite well. Look at Richard Halpin.
When the poor people stop spending, the High St. catches a cold.
Regards, Pete.