Robert D;278052 wrote:Newbie;278049 wrote:[quote=Robert D;278048]
Though what you write is plausible and makes sense.
There is a part of me that cannot shake the feeling that people who actually followed the rules in good spirit and supported the aspirations of our political masters (both red and blue) are being punished for being doing what was asked of them and in supporting the cause.
It may have been easier to swallow the pill if it was one government party against another, but in this case it is both if not all three who pushed this agenda and abiding people cannot surely be punished for it.
There are now more than 4,000 Isa millionaires, with some having as much as £8m.They weren't meant to be a tax haven for the super rich and need reform
And there are a million ISA holders who are not millionaires and within them I am pretty confident, there are more than 4,000 who invested the same capital amount in a manner same as the 4,000 but invested differently and their pot is not a million let alone 8. Such is life.
So they did everything the same apart from investing in the same stocks / funds / trades / costs etc. So should they also be bumped up to a million as life has not be fair to them ?
Or perhaps they can all get rid of it all and sing kumbaya.
If two kids from the same household (say twins) go to the same school, are in the same class but chose different routes, ending with differing grades and qualifications during which one choses to spend the next 25 years burying themselves in activities to prepare and build a better life whilst the other decides to live for the moment and experience life only taking on jobs to fund the weekend ahead.
Then later in life the playboy is all worn out single, and without a pot to piss in and angry that their sibling who has a significant asset base, high profile job with a 7 figure bonus each year, useful connections etc is unwilling to hand out the small amount (simply because they have it and the other has not) to help out and fund the upcoming weekends plans or share of their wealth as it is the humane thing to do and will make society more equal. Should the one who has the means feed the irrational portrayed as moral view of the individual who simply is unwilling to accept the reality that life is not fair and we need to strive to get ahead.
As someone once put it, you can only give out if you have any and to have any you need to take measures to acquire and built it.