Alexander Johnston;95314 wrote:Apart from engineers and scientists has anyone ever used a quadratic equation to solve an issue at work..
I worked in a Yorkshire pie shop once with a guy called Zero Mostel.
In the very first takeaway he did, in his eagerness to please, he slipped over and hot scalding pie landed in his right eye. Now, although he was from Brooklyn and of East European Jewish origin, Zero was the kind of lad who wanted to respect local customs. And he knew a bit of local lingo. So, instead of crying out in pain or swearing coarsely, in his broad Brooklyn accent he cried "EE BY GUM!". And sat there on the floor, a big piece of pie covering one eye like a monocle.
The shop, which was full, went silent as everyone stared at him. Then all of its delighted customers fell about in hysterics before retaining their composure and standing to applaud young Zero. This episode of minor adulation inspired him to quit the pie business and go into acting. He later found fame playing the main character in the movie "Fiddler on the roof"
Just saying e to the pie eye, takeaway one, made Zero.