Munich security conference head cries in response to Vance's speech... out the clip and observe European politics being reduced to the kind of stunt one would expect from a ridiculous actor at the Oscars. Reminds me of the time that Tory nomark cried at COP26. Are these people for real?
I laughed out loud at the moment his behaviour led to applause from the audience. The man is either emotionally unstable or acting in the most shameful and manipulative way. Whichever it is, he is totally unfit to lead anything to do with security. Perhaps he ought to find a more suitable line of work, like flower arranging or aromatherapy?
The European "elites" reduced to sobbing when the nasty man delivers some home truths. It speaks volumes about the state Europe is in really that such an emotional display could be considered appropriate. Of a piece with the suicidal altruism we see all around us. People whose feelings too often get in the way of their thinking, or, they are incentivised to signal this at any rate.
Exposing the clowns who govern Europe... a great speech that keeps on giving.